ASAPS Anatomical Dissection and Cosmetic Procedures Workshop

June 14, 2018 all-day Pacific/Auckland Timezone
Queensland University of Technology
Dear Attendees
This year’s Anatomical Dissection and Cosmetic Procedures Workshop is shaping to be the best ever. Over the last 5 years we have honed our expertise and knowledge in providing the best possible learning experience for attendees for this workshop. Also, during this time, we have received constructive feedback on how to improve elements of the program and to make your experience more fruitful and rewarding. We have listened and acted on your advice. 
There are always time constraints to any Anatomical Workshop and attendees “jostling” for prime position and requesting more time in the dissection lab. Another challenge is with the logistics of “live Injecting” and the amount of time required in getting the best possible angles to view the injecting procedure, the unnecessary expectations placed on the injector and other issues associated with live injecting. 
In response to these concerns, we have decided to make some changes, which we feel will not only improve the Workshop but enhance the attendees experience overall. These changes include: 
  • We have added an extra 1.5 hours to the dissection module so that your exposure to the cadaver models is greatly enhanced.
  • We have included pre-recorded videos of injectable procedures, which highlight the main points and provide unobscured vision of what really goes on. These videos will be complimented by commentary from the injector or speaker involved. Hence, live injecting will be removed from the program.
  • We will allow attendees (pending ethics approval) to inject cadaver models with saline to get a feel for tissue planes and be advised on “how-to’ inject in certain anatomical regions.
  • Lectures will be more detailed and didactic to provide the necessary background in understanding anatomy of high and low-risk regions in the face.
  • We will have International Faculty providing both lectures and commentary during the cadaver dissections.
  • An “Injecting Manual” will also be made available online that will enhance the educational experience.
It is our sincere hope and goal that the changes made to the ASAPS Anatomical Dissection and Cosmetic Procedures Workshop for 2018 will not only educate you in understanding facial anatomy and enhancing your skills in injecting, but also empower you to feel more confident in treating your patients safely and providing them with a satisfactory outcome. 
Best wishes, 

Dr Tim Papadopoulos

Immediate Past ASAPS President, Workshop Convenor