IMCAS Asia Class – Dermatology & Plastic Surgery, Oct’2020
IMCAS is honored to present the IMCAS Asia Class 2020, a one-day class taking place on an IMCAS-original platform where a whole new digital learning experience awaits you. The teaching formats are restructured & redesigned so that the international speakers can deliver the core essentials in dermatology, plastic surgery & aesthetic medicine for an active learning event that peaks your curiosity and captivates your attention.
Follow along live-stream of the ultimate anatomy course featuring live cadaver dissections to look at the key structures for safe injections with the Cadaver Workshop sessions in Room 1. Get the updated anatomical studies, techniques and devices for threads treatments, hair restoration and skin diseases during the Threads, Hair & Laser sessions in Room 2. Find step-by-step video tutorials for surgeons which take place all day covering the key maneuvers in face, breast & body surgeries for Surgery sessions in Room 3.