Information for Practitioners Entering Cosmetic Medicine in New Zealand
A career in cosmetic medicine
Cosmetic medicine for medical practitioners can be extremely satisfying and rewarding. You will utilise to the full many of the medical skills you have already developed. However, there are a number of things to consider before embarking on this different career path.
Education and experience
As the leading Association for Cosmetic Practitioners in New Zealand, CANNZ recommends that you gain at least 3 years of post-graduate general medical experience before embarking upon a career in the more specialised area of cosmetic medicine. This is recommended to further develop your skills in general medicine after qualifying so you will bring firm foundations of medical practice into the aesthetic arena.
As a nurse you may wish to look into general surgical nursing as an excellent pathway to develop your general nursing skills and gear towards aesthetic nursing qualifications in the future.
Currently there are very few training facilities in New Zealand for cosmetic practitioners. If you are joining a clinic with cosmetic nurses and/or doctors you will receive training within that facility. There are also training facilities that meet with CANNZ standards for education and training. Some of our leaders are affiliated with Ever Young Training. You can enquire about these classes through [email protected]
Training usually consists of theory courses followed by a 1-2 day practical course for each treatment offered. Prices vary, but on average you can expect to pay $1500 per day. Training will also include administering and handling botox injections, a common and popular cosmetic treatment. We thoroughly recommend researching all available courses. Some practitioners find that these courses are a good introduction, from which they can develop with further support.
CANNZ will soon be posting a framework of acceptable education standards and pathways which are currently being developed.
Practitioners moving to new practice areas must keep their knowledge and skills up to date, taking part in appropriate and regular learning and professional development activities to ensure public safety. CANNZ education pathways incorporate peer group meetings and regular attendance at international conferences.
CANNZ also supports our local conference.
Many of the treatments we perform require the use of prescription-only medicines (e.g. Botox®) or their use in managing complications. Cosmetic nurses and pharmacists in New Zealand must be working under the oversight of a medical doctor, preferably a Plastic Surgeon, Dermatologist, or NZSCM doctor.